Interview process :
2/3 Telephonic rounds ( 45 min to 1 hr each ) and 5 back to back rounds with 5 managers ( 5 hrs ).
Ist round :
1. About the role ?
2. Linux boot process ?
3. what is GRUB ?
4. what is iptables ?
5. what is default gateway and where we can configure the same ?
6. what are all the parmeters are there in ifcfg-eth0 file ?
7. Difference between TCP and UDP ?
8. How you will check the free space ?
9. what is HDFS ?
10.file write process in haddop?
11.file read process in hadoop? to run a job in hadoop ?
13.what is loopback address ? and what is 0.0.0 in it ?
14.what is subnet masking?
15.Asked about some port no like port 22 / 25 / 53 / 80 / 110 /3306
16.what is DNS ?
17.what is DHCP how it works ?
18.what is the diffrence between NTFS / Fat32 ?
19.what is RODC ?